Git Shortcut
This is first thing you should do. Aliasing git as `g` will save you a lot of typing. After this symlink creation you can access git with only typing `g` in the command line.
$ sudo ln -s `which git` /usr/bin/gI'm using git now for some years and over the time I came up with a long list of git aliases. Git is great and can give you a great coding experience with it's customizable shortcuts.
Your .gitconfig file is located in your home dir. All examples can be added to the [alias] section in this file.
$ nano ~/.gitconfig
Basic Aliases
co = checkout cp = cherry-pick p = pull squash = merge --squash st = status df = diff b = branch
Advanced Usage
Revert a file
rv = checkout --
ours = checkout --ours -- theirs = checkout --theirs --
sl = stash list sa = stash apply ss = stash save
Danger! Cleanup working dir
This alias will reset all modified files!
cleanup = !git reset --hard && git clean -f
List all aliases
alias = config --get-regexp 'alias.*'
Log One Line
logol = log --pretty=format:"%h\\ %s\\ [%cn]"
Search in files
search = "grep -Iin"
vup = !vagrant up vsu = !vagrant suspend vss = !vagrant ssh vde = !vagrant destroy vpr = !vagrant provision
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