pushover-cli is a command line client for https://pushover.net to send pushover notifications. Moreover it is possible with this client to pipe streams directly to your cellphone like tail -f /var/log/my.log | pushover-cli -
Pushover Cli download and installation
Simply execute the following command to install the latest version of this script to your system:
sudo curl -o /usr/bin/pushover-cli https://raw.githubusercontent.com/markus-perl/pushover-cli/master/pushover-cli && sudo chmod 555 /usr/bin/pushover-cli
Commandline options
Usage: ./pushover-cli [options] <message> <title>
Stdin: ./pushover-cli [options] - <title>
Example: ./pushover-cli -u ubLBe5u3zNXF9gBtX2zKkezSuPgu3v -t aK5BW3sjAqPsedH44VyQSbaQecoRen "Hello World"
-u --user <user id> Pushover User-ID
-t --token <api token> Pushover API-Token
-p --priority <high, normal, low> Default: normal
-l --url <url> Link the message to this URL
-c --config <path to file> Default: /etc/pushover.conf
-v --verbose Be verbose
-q --quiet Be quiet